Mission: End the divide between Republicans and Democrats

Steven O’Neill
2 min readMar 9, 2021

The United States of America is the greatest country in the history of planet earth. What makes it so great? The fact that you can speak your mind freely without persecution (sometimes, I guess), and also that you can come to this country, no matter what color your skin, or what you decide to identify yourself as, and you can make your life worth whatever worth you decide to give it. Money, housing, family, all these things are not just handed to you, they are made, fought for, and earned. Any other way and you can have the collapse of the most powerful country on earth. But how is that?

Because people have earned everything they have for centuries. The amazing people who immigrate here daily from all over the world know this, and wish to be given the opportunity to work for their future as well. But the key word is work, and it’s something I don’t see a lot of people doing.

Elaboration: When you focus on issues such as racism constantly, especially with one view and one view only, your brain will literally create a mind barrier that has to be opened up for a different point of view. What I believe would fix America, is if everyone had an open mind. If everyone listened to everyone, all the kids and all the elders shared their ideas together, whether rash or not, and just listened to each other.

Think about it. When I woke up this morning, and when some other gal or guy woke up this morning, we probably did some very similar things: brush our teeth, use the restroom, showered, etc. So what makes your opinion worthless compared to mine?

Well, nothing! So speak it!

But don’t just speak your mind, listen to the other person, listen to everyone else. Have an open mind, no matter how hard it can be, because trust me it’s a very difficult exercise to open your brain real estate to other ideas especially if they directly contradict what you’ve possibly known your entire life.

We all come from different places and different backgrounds. No matter what race, color, or gender, we all deal with adversity, trust me! So share your story, and I will share mine. Listen to someone else’s story, and appreciate that they had the courage to share it, because it can be difficult sometimes.

Speak. Love. Love is the escape.



Steven O’Neill

MeetInTheMiddle writer; let’s bring America together